自新能源車逐漸盛行開始,中國大陸冒出了許多車廠,有些車廠真的連大陸人都未聽過!正如這家 奇點汽車,近日被 10 位債權人申請破產清算。這家車廠雖然運作了 9 件,卻竟然從未生產 1 輛車!奇點汽車的官網仍然正常運作,可是他們的 Showroom 亦變成了 Starbucks。

據報道,安徽銅陵中級法院已經受理了這起破產清算案件,並指派了一家會計師事務所擔任奇點公司的管理人。據說,奇點汽車曾於 2014 年與蔚來、小鵬、理想等內地造車新勢力三巨頭站在同一起跑線上,由於奇點創辦人沈海寅曾任職奇虎 360 公司副總裁,因此創立時也獲得政商的支持和投資。然而,9 年來,奇點從未量產交付出一輛車,卻進行了多輪融資高達 170 億元,最後卻付諸流水。去年,奇點員工追薪消息已曝光,管理層則表示正在對外融資,只要拿到錢就立刻補發拖欠款項。

報道指出,奇點不是第一間瀕危的造車新勢力,也不會是最後一間。中國汽車品牌註冊家數高達 391 家,但年銷逾 1 萬輛的只有 37 間,行業普遍認為,最終存活的品牌會汰弱留強至 20 至 30 間。



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Since the rise of new energy vehicles, China has seen the emergence of numerous car manufacturers, some of which are even unheard of by many Chinese. One such example is singulato, which has recently been filed for bankruptcy liquidation by 10 creditors. Despite operating for 9 years, the company has never produced a single car. Although Qicheng Automobile's website is still operational, its showroom has been turned into a Starbucks.

According to reports, the Intermediate People's Court of Tongling City, Anhui Province, has accepted the bankruptcy liquidation case and appointed an accounting firm as the administrator of singulato. The company was reportedly founded in 2014, alongside other new players in the Chinese auto industry, including NIO, Xpeng, and Li Auto.  singulato's founder, Shen Haiyin, was a former vice president of Qihoo 360, and thus received support and investment from the government and business circles. However, despite raising a total of CNY 17 billion in multiple rounds of financing, singulato has never delivered a car and its funds have reportedly gone to waste. Last year, news broke that Qicheng employees were not paid, but the management claimed that they were seeking external financing to pay off the arrears.

Reports indicate that singulato is not the first struggling new player in the auto industry in China, nor will it be the last. There are currently 391 registered Chinese auto brands, but only 37 of them sold over 10,000 cars last year. Industry experts predict that the number of surviving brands will eventually shrink to between 20 and 30.

