本田在今年印尼國際車展(GIIAS)中不僅推出了升級版的 WR-V RS,還首度展示了 N-Van EV 原型車。同時,他們宣布與印尼當地的物流公司合作,將進行為期三個月的實際測試,以進一步了解電動車作為環保物流配送解決的可行性。

作為日本輕型車銷售冠軍的 N-BOX 在 Honda 旗下,衍生出了 N-Van、N-WGN 和 N-One 等多款 N 系列車型。其中,N-Van 是商用車版本,它擁有平整的座椅折疊功能,可以營造出寬敞的載貨空間。此外,它的乘客側無 B 柱設計和側滑門,提供了大面積的車側開口,方便貨物的上下載,成為 N-Van 的一大特點。

而首次亮相的 N-Van EV 則是 N-Van 的電動版本,目前仍處於原型車研發階段。根據原廠表示,N-Van EV 的量產版本預計將於 2024 年春季在日本正式發布。這款電動車單次充電可以行駛約 200 公里,預計售價約為 100 萬日圓。

值得注意的是,這款 N-Van EV 原型車不僅在車展上進行了靜態展示,未來還將投入實際物流作業中,以測試電池的可靠性、充電流程以及電動車在城市區域貨物運輸中的便利性和實用性,為正式上市做好充分的準備。



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Honda made quite a splash at this year's Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS). In addition to unveiling the upgraded WR-V RS, they also took the stage with the debut of the N-Van EV prototype. What's more, they announced a partnership with a local logistics company in Indonesia to embark on a three-month real-world testing phase, aiming to better understand the potential of electric vehicles as eco-friendly solutions for logistics and delivery.

Originating from the N-BOX, which holds the crown as Japan's best-selling light vehicle, Honda's N series lineup also includes models like the N-Van, N-WGN, and N-One. The N-Van, tailored for commercial use, boasts a nifty flat-folding seat feature that creates a spacious cargo area. The absence of a B-pillar on the passenger side and the sliding door contribute to a generously sized side opening, making loading and unloading cargo a breeze – the hallmark of the N-Van.

Taking center stage for the first time, the N-Van EV takes the N-Van to the electric realm. Currently in the prototype development stage, the N-Van EV is projected to see its production version officially unveiled in Japan in the spring of 2024. This electric vehicle promises an approximately 200-kilometer range on a single charge, with an anticipated price of around 1 million Japanese yen.

Notably, the N-Van EV prototype isn't just a showpiece on the exhibition floor. It's slated to hit the real-world logistics scene for testing purposes. It will undergo trials to assess battery reliability, charging processes, as well as the convenience and practicality of using electric vehicles for urban goods transportation. All this groundwork is being laid to ensure a smooth launch into the market.

