日本三菱汽車公司宣布,將停止在中國的車輛生產。這一決定是因為中國本土的純電動汽車( EV )企業蓬勃發展,而三菱汽車的主打汽油車銷售不佳。三菱汽車不僅取消了 3 月份起在中國工廠的生產計劃,還將在庫存銷售完畢後退出中國市場。

據日本共同社報導,三菱汽車在 24 號的董事會上確決退出中國市場。這次退出中國市場將帶來約 243 億日元(約合12億元人民幣或1.62億美元)的特別損失,這將在 2023 財年(即 2023 年 4 至 2024 年 3月)的合併財報中計算。未來,三菱汽車將把經營重心轉向東南亞市場。在中國市場,不僅三菱汽車,其他日本汽車企業在 EV 領域也面臨競爭壓力,處於劣勢地位。

在中國,三菱汽車的合資公司廣汽三菱汽車和湖南省的工廠主要生產汽油車,但已於今年 3 月停產。三菱汽車將出售其在合資公司的股份並終止合作。不過,在中國的其他合資公司的發動機生產將繼續進行。
今年 1 至 8 月,三菱汽車在中國的銷售量幾乎減半,下降了 47.6%,至 1 萬 2497 輛。

現時在中國,比亞迪及 Tesla 是電動車市場上帶頭的競爭者,根據調查公司MarkLines的統計數據,2022 年中國乘用車銷售市場份額(以工廠出貨數量計算)中,中國汽車企業約占 51%,而日本汽車企業僅占約 18%。


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The Japanese automaker Mitsubishi Motors has announced that it will cease vehicle production in China. This decision comes as domestic electric vehicle (EV) companies in China are flourishing, while Mitsubishi's gasoline vehicle sales have been sluggish. Mitsubishi not only canceled its production plans at its Chinese factories starting from March but also intends to exit the Chinese market once its current inventory is sold out.

According to reports from Japan's Kyodo News, Mitsubishi finalized its decision to withdraw from the Chinese market during a board meeting on the 24th. This exit will result in a special loss of approximately 24.3 billion yen (about 1.2 billion yuan or 162 million USD), which will be accounted for in the fiscal year 2023 (from April 2023 to March 2024) consolidated financial statements. In the future, Mitsubishi will shift its business focus to the Southeast Asian market. In China's market, not only Mitsubishi but other Japanese car companies also face competitive pressures in the EV sector and find themselves in a disadvantaged position.

In China, Mitsubishi's joint venture companies, GAC Mitsubishi Motors, and its factory in Hunan province, primarily produced gasoline vehicles, but they ceased production in March this year. Mitsubishi will sell its stake in these joint ventures and terminate cooperation. However, engine production in other joint ventures in China will continue.

From January to August this year, Mitsubishi's sales in China almost halved, dropping by 47.6% to 12,497 units.

Currently, BYD and Tesla are leading competitors in the electric vehicle market in China. According to statistics from the research firm MarkLines, in 2022, Chinese car companies accounted for approximately 51% of the passenger car sales market share (based on factory shipments), while Japanese car companies accounted for only about 18%.
