Mazda 車迷們最愛的除了魂動精神和 Skyactiv 技術,還有那令人著迷的轉子引擎。不過,由於這種引擎結構複雜又不符合現今嚴格的廢氣排放標準,所以近年來轉子引擎就再也沒有新作品問世了。

最近 Mazda 重新推出轉子引擎車款還是在 2012 年 6 月,當時只限量在日本國內推出了特別版的 RX-8 Spirit R 車款,只有 1000 輛,非常稀有。不過,Mazda 所售出的轉子引擎車款數量已經接近 200 萬輛,且看來這個數字還在不斷增加。

Mazda 一直都沒有放棄重新生產轉子引擎的計畫,相關技術也都已經註冊完畢。但在轉子引擎再次應用於跑車之前,Mazda 決定將這款全新動力先用於當今市場上最熱門的 SUV 車款。今年初,Mazda 就推出了全新 MX-30 e-Skyactiv R-EV 車款,現在這款車已經於 6 月 22 日在日本廣島工廠開始量產。

MX-30 e-Skyactiv R-EV 的運作架構非常有趣,除了具備充電系統外,轉子引擎還可以當作發電機使用,產生電力供應馬達驅動。Mazda 的動力開發部門經理 Yoshiaki Noguchi 表示,轉子引擎對於該公司來說是非常重要的象徵性標誌,團隊也很希望能夠早日推出新款轉子引擎跑車,只是目前時機還未成熟。

MX-30 e-Skyactiv R-EV 目前使用的引擎是 830cc 的單轉子引擎,最大輸出功率為 74 匹馬力。不過,Mazda 還沒有透露這套動力單元是否會進一步擴展到其他車款。


Mazda enthusiasts love not only Skyactiv technology but also the captivating rotary engine. However, due to its complex structure and failure to meet current strict emission standards, there have been no new rotary engine models in recent years.
The last time Mazda introduced a rotary engine vehicle was in June 2012, when a limited edition RX-8 Spirit R was released exclusively in Japan, with only 1,000 units produced. Nevertheless, Mazda has sold nearly 2 million rotary engine vehicles, and it appears this number is still increasing.

Mazda has never abandoned its plan to revive the rotary engine, and the relevant technologies have already been registered. However, before reintroducing the rotary engine in a sports car, Mazda decided to use this new power source in the most popular SUV model in the current market. Earlier this year, Mazda introduced the brand-new MX-30 e-Skyactiv R-EV, and this vehicle has already begun mass production at the Hiroshima plant in Japan on June 22.

The operating structure of the MX-30 e-Skyactiv R-EV is very interesting. In addition to having a charging system, the rotary engine can also be used as a generator to produce electricity to power the motor. Mazda's powertrain development manager, Yoshiaki Noguchi, said that the rotary engine is a very important symbol for the company, and the team hopes to introduce a new rotary engine sports car soon, but the timing is not yet ripe.

The current engine used in the MX-30 e-Skyactiv R-EV is a 830cc single rotary engine with a maximum output of 74 horsepower. However, Mazda has not yet disclosed whether this power unit will be further expanded to other vehicle models.